ASPIRE OMT is a post-professional planned learning experience that focuses on evidence based clinical practice, mentorship, and education. In the ASPIRE system, clinical reasoning and biomechanics are given a strong emphasis. The institute is formatted to allow flexibility for professionals to advance at their own pace as time, finances, and experience allows. The structured programing is designed to take clinicians from new graduates to skilled professional, with a steady progression of skills.
Empowering Physical Therapists With The Highest Level Of Manual Therapy Education And Mentorship

COMT Courses
The Certification in Orthopedic Manual Therapy (COMT) consists of 6 courses followed by an oral examination. These course include Cervical and Lumbar Gateway to Musculoskeletal Therapy, Cervical-Thoracic and Lumbar Assessment and Management, and Upper and Lower Quadrant Assessment and Management.

SMT Courses
The Certification in Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT) consists of 5 courses followed by an oral examination. These courses include Integrated Assessment and Management of the Thorax, Upper Quadrant, and Lower Quadrant, Segmental Spinal Manipulation, and Clinical Reasoning. The COMT is as precursor to the SMT.

Clinical Fellowship
We also plan to partner with Andrews University to offer a fellowship program starting in the fall of 2021. This will include our core classes and exams, specialty class options, 150 hours of clinical mentoring, case studies, and a fellowship project. Stayed tuned for more information.

" Your talent is a gift from God.
What you do with it is your gift back to God".
-Leo Buscaglia.