Lumbar Gateway To Musculoskeletal Therapy
Course Number:
PTH 841
Credits / CEU's:
1.5 credits / 2.1 CEU’s
1 day online (7 hours) with 2 assessments + 2 days onsite (14 hours)= 21 hours
Accelerated Format Option:
Andrews University: 4 days back to back. Sun-Wed. Register for Gateway Lumbar and Gateway Cervical together=42 hours

This lab intensive course applies clinical reasoning and differential diagnosis through formulating illness scripts based upon a thorough subjective history and a hands-on musculoskeletal assessment of the lumbar spine. This course is designed to equip the clinician with the proper subjective and objective evaluation to determine the appropriateness of physical therapy, recognize the need for a referral for signs and symptoms of serious pathology and generate a provisional differential diagnosis of lumbar spinal dysfunction. Pain science, including acute and chronic nociceptive mechanisms are discussed and applied through clinical scenarios. Furthermore, intervention techniques and management of common spinal pathologies are demonstrated, including soft tissue techniques and joint articulation techniques. Neuromuscular reeducation and therapeutic exercises are introduced to reinforce each manual treatment. Courses can be taken in any order as each course covers different bodily regions.
Cervical Gateway To Musculoskeletal Therapy
Course Number:
PTH 841
Credits / CEU's:
1.5 credits / 2.1 CEU’s
1 day online (7 hours) with 2 assessments + 2 days onsite (14 hours)= 21 hours
Accelerated Format Option:
Andrews University: 4 days back to back. Sun-Wed. Register for Gateway Lumbar and Gateway Cervical together=42 hours

This lab intensive course applies clinical reasoning and differential diagnosis through formulating illness scripts based upon a thorough subjective history and a hands-on musculoskeletal assessment of the lumbar and cervical spines. This course is designed to equip the clinician with the proper subjective and objective evaluation to determine the appropriateness of physical therapy, recognize the need for a referral for signs and symptoms of serious pathology and generate a provisional differential diagnosis of lumbar and cervical spinal dysfunction. Pain science, including acute and chronic nociceptive mechanisms are discussed and applied through clinical scenarios. Furthermore, intervention techniques and management of common spinal pathologies are demonstrated, including soft tissue techniques and joint articulation techniques. Neuromuscular reeducation and therapeutic exercises are introduced to reinforce each manual treatment. Dr. James Cyriax principles are presented, including the application of the selective tissue tensioning examination. Courses can be taken in any order as each course covers different bodily regions.
Upper Extremity Evaluation And Management
Course Number:
PTH 842
Credits / CEU's:
1.5 credits / 2.1 CEU’s
1 day online (7 hours) with 2 assessments + 2 days onsite (14 hours)= 21 hours
Accelerated Format Option:
Andrews University: 4 days back to back. Sun-Wed. Register for both Upper Extremity Assessment, Management & Manipulation and Cervico-Thoracic Spine Assessment and Management together

Upper Extremity: This lab intensive course applies clinical reasoning and a hands-on musculoskeletal assessment of the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand, while focusing heavily on biomechanics, introduced by Michael MacConnail and functional anatomy. Based on the recognition of signs and symptoms of upper extremity pathology, the participant will formulate a provisional differential diagnosis while demonstrating how to rule out serious pathology, which may mimic upper extremity musculoskeletal dysfunction. Additionally, the participants will demonstrate appropriate treatment and management skills of the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand utilized by the physical therapist in the clinical setting management including joint articulation stability and mobility techniques, including manipulation, as well as neuromuscular reeducation and therapeutic exercises to reinforce all manual therapy techniques. Courses can be taken in any order as each course covers different bodily regions.
Cervico-Thoracic Evaluation And Management
Course Number:
PTH 842
Credits / CEU's:
1.5 credits / 2.1 CEU’s
1 day online (7 hours) with 2 assessments + 2 days onsite (14 hours)= 21 hours
Accelerated Format Option:
Andrews University: 4 days back to back. Sun-Wed. Register for both Upper Extremity Assessment, Management & Manipulation and Cervico-Thoracic Spine Assessment and Management together.

This lab intensive course applies clinical reasoning and a comprehensive biomechanical musculoskeletal assessment and examination skills of the lower thoracic and cervical spines utilized by the physical therapist in the clinical setting. This course analyzes the importance of safely assessing and treating the cervical and thoracic spine by discussing various clinical scenarios which require immediate clinical reasoning and differential diagnostic skills, in order to act efficiently. This course will solidify the importance of a thorough subjective examination and specific objective assessment in order for the participant to formulate a provisional differential diagnosis while demonstrating how to rule out serious pathology. Additionally, the participants will demonstrate appropriate treatment and management skills of the cervical and upper thoracic spine utilized by the physical therapist in the clinical setting management including joint articulation stability and mobility techniques, as well as neuromuscular reeducation and therapeutic exercises to reinforce all manual therapy techniques. Courses can be taken in any order as each course covers different bodily regions.
Lumbo-Pelvic Evaluation And Management
Course Number:
PTH 843
Credits / CEU's:
1.5 credits / 2.1 CEU’s
1 day online (7 hours) with 2 assessments + 2 days onsite (14 hours)= 21 hours
Accelerated Format Option:
Andrews University: 4 days back to back. Sun-Wed. Register for both Lower Extremity Assessment, Management & Manipulation and Lumbar Spine Assessment and Management together.

This lab intensive course applies clinical reasoning and a comprehensive biomechanical musculoskeletal assessment and examination skills of the lower thoracic and lumbar spines utilized by the physical therapist in the clinical setting. This course will solidify the importance of a thorough subjective examination and specific objective assessment in order for the participant to formulate a provisional differential diagnosis while demonstrating how to rule out serious pathology. Additionally, the participants will demonstrate appropriate treatment and management skills of the lumbar and lower thoracic spine utilized by the physical therapist in the clinical setting management. The course will introduce lumbar spine locking techniques in order to navigate complex lumbar pathologies. This course will demonstrate specific lumbopelvic stabilization and graded mobilization techniques, as well as neuromuscular reeducation and therapeutic exercises to reinforce all manual therapy techniques. Courses can be taken in any order as each course covers different bodily regions.
Lower Extremity Evaluation And Management
Course Number:
PTH 843
Credits / CEU's:
1.5 credits / 2.1 CEU’s
1 day online (7 hours) with 2 assessments + 2 days onsite (14 hours)= 21 hours
Accelerated Format Option:
Andrews University: 4 days back to back. Sun-Wed. Register for both Lower Extremity Assessment, Management & Manipulation and Lumbar Spine Assessment and Management together.

Lower Extremity: This lab intensive course applies clinical reasoning and a comprehensive biomechanical musculoskeletal assessment and examination skills of the hip, knee, ankle and subtalar joint utilized by the physical therapist in the clinical setting. Based on the recognition of signs and symptoms of lower extremity pathology, the participant will formulate a provisional differential diagnosis while demonstrating how to rule out serious pathology, which may mimic lower extremity musculoskeletal dysfunction. Additionally, the participants will demonstrate appropriate treatment and management skills utilized by the physical therapist in the clinical setting management including joint articulation stability and mobility techniques, including manipulation, as well as neuromuscular reeducation and therapeutic exercises to reinforce all manual therapy techniques.
Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist (COMT) Exam
Course Number:
PTH 845
Credits / CEU's:
0 Credits
1 review day prior to 1 day on-site
This oral practical examination allows the participant to demonstrate proficiency in clinical reasoning and differential diagnosis, including properly screening for serious pathology. Testing content will include assessment and management techniques including: cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacroiliac scanning examinations, Cyriax’s STTT principles, localized spinal stability testing and appropriately graded mobilizations followed by neuromuscular reeducation and therapeutic exercise techniques for all spinal involvement. Additionally, surface anatomy and deep friction massage techniques to localized structures may be assessed, as well as peripheral joint stability and specific graded mobilizations and manipulations followed with the proper instruction of neuromuscular and therapeutic exercise prescription.