Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist (COMT) Exam
DESCRIPTION: This oral practical examination allows the participant to demonstrate proficiency in clinical reasoning and differential diagnosis, including properly screening for serious pathology. Testing content will include assessment and management techniques including: cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacroiliac scanning examinations, Cyriax’s STTT principles, localized spinal stability testing and appropriately graded mobilizations followed by neuromuscular reeducation and therapeutic exercise techniques for all spinal involvement. Additionally, surface anatomy and deep friction massage techniques to localized structures may be assessed, as well as peripheral joint stability and specific graded mobilizations and manipulations followed with the proper instruction of neuromuscular and therapeutic exercise prescription.
Course Number: PTH 845
CEU’S: 0 Credits
Format: 1 review day prior to 1 day on-site
Spinal Manipulative Therapist (SMT) Exam & Clinical Defense
DESCRIPTION: This oral practical examination allows the participant to demonstrate proficiency in clinical reasoning and differential diagnosis, including properly screening for serious pathology. examination will focus on clinical reasoning and the quadrant inter-relationships. Testing content will include mobilization/ manipulation (thrust) to joint and soft tissue techniques to all parts of appendicular/extremity and axial/spinal skeleton, in addition to shoulder and pelvic girdles, as well as temporomandibular joint. The participant will defend each technique in terms of safety, specificity and grade and will articulate to the panel the neuromuscular reeducation and therapeutic exercises utilized to enhance the patient’s prognosis.
CEU’S: 0 Credits
Format: 1 review day prior to 1 day on-site