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Are you focused on improving your skills, knowledge and understanding of how to treat the whole person?
Do you enjoy learning from expert clinicians who are passionate about helping you and your practice?
Then, ASPIRE’s Membership Program is the answer.

Monthly Membership Plan by Region
Please select the appropriate region to enroll in the correct plan.
North America
30$Every monthAn exclusive direct access to ASPIRE OMT Inner circle30 day free trial- Early Unlimited access to present and past Webinars
- Case Studies
- Literature Reviews
- Technique Practices
- Mentorship Sessions
Annual Membership
300$Every yearAn exclusive direct access to ASPIRE OMT Inner circle30 day free trial- Early Unlimited access to present and past Webinars
- Case Studies
- Literature Reviews
- Technique Practices
- Mentorship Sessions
25$Every monthAn exclusive direct access to ASPIRE OMT Inner circle30 day free trial- Early Unlimited access to present and past Webinars
- Case Studies
- Literature Reviews
- Technique Practices
- Mentorship Sessions
8$Every monthAn exclusive direct access to ASPIRE OMT Inner circle30 day free trial- Early Unlimited access to present and past Webinars
- Case Studies
- Literature Reviews
- Technique Practices
- Mentorship Sessions
All transactions will occur in US dollars. You can cancel the membership anytime. No commitment. Free membership is only for the month of September,2021. Membership rate for October and November months will be at 50% discount. From December 2021, the membership will be at full price. Click the link below for our Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions, please reach out to membership@aspireomt.com

Who is a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT)?"Fellow" status in the AAOMPT is both a membership classification and a professional credential. As a professional credential, a "Fellow" in AAOMPT is international recognition of competence and expertise in the practice of orthopaedic manual physical therapy by a physical therapist licensed in the USA. To achieve the Fellow credential, a physical therapist must complete a credentialed fellowship program in orthopaedic manual physical therapy or demonstrate the equivalent level of competence by successfully passing a portfolio review process for fellowship renewal. The "Fellow" is a physical therapist who has demonstrated advanced clinical, analytical, and hands-on skills in the treatment of musculoskeletal (orthopaedic) disorders. Fellows serve their patients and the public by demonstrating excellence in clinical practice, education, and research. For more information on the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists visit their website at www.aaompt.org.
How many hours are spent in guided clinical mentoring?Our Fellows in Training (FiTs) complete 150 hours of one-on-one clinical mentoring with an AAOMPT fellow. ASPIRE OMT offers over 30 Clinical Fellowship Instructors (CFI’s) who all possess the FAAOMPT status, as well as demonstrated proficiency in effective leadership and mentoring in order to provide our FITs with meaningful mentorship experiences. Mentors must be FAAOMPTs and be licensed in the USA, and we must establish a clinic agreement with them prior to onsite mentorship. Clinical supervision is defined as on-site, one-on-one instructor supervision of the Fellow in training while actively engaged in patient/client management. The Fellow in training must serve as the primary clinician responsible for the patient’s care for a minimum of 75 of the 150 hours. The remaining hours may be devoted to the observation of the instructor providing care to the instructor’s patient(s) and/or discussion with the instructor on patient/client management. It is the responsibility of the Fellows in training to arrange state licensure, travel, accommodations, etc., when engaged in practice at these facilities. Each CFI is trained by ASPIRE OMT’s senior faculty in effective mentorship techniques and strategies and is evaluated regularly and acts as an independent contractor to the FITs. The reimbursement for guided 1:1 mentorship is between the FITs and CFIs and does not include ASPIRE OMT.
Is the Fellowship Accredited?Yes! Aspire OMT is accredited by the Accreditation Council of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy Education (ACOMPTE) as a Fellowship Program for physical therapists in Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy.