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Laurie McLaughlin

Faculty & Specialty Course Faculty

Laurie McLaughlin, DScPT, FCAMPT, graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy from McMaster University and received her Advanced Diploma of Manual and Manipulative Physiotherapy from the Canadian Physiotherapy Association with distinction. She was a chief examiner for the Orthopaedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association before completing a Doctor of Science in Physical Therapy at Andrews University in Michigan. She is currently an Assistant Clinical Professor at McMaster University.

Laurie has specialized in orthopaedic physiotherapy for over 30 years working in multidisciplinary environments as well as in private practice. She develops and teaches continuing education courses nationally and internationally for health professionals on a variety of topics including Spinal Manipulation, Breathing Evaluation and Management, Myofascial Management, Advanced Clinical Reasoning, and a Lumbar Spine Masterclass. She has written several book chapters as well as presented at scientific conferences and published in peer reviewed journals. Laurie is also a member of the Canadian Spine Society, a group made up of predominantly spine surgeons and has presented several times at their annual national meetings on the spinal triage program she codeveloped with Dr Dunlop, a spine surgeon.

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