Parthasarathy Kumaraswamy
Clinical Instructor
Parthasarathy Kumaraswamy, PT, OCS, COMT, FAAOMPT graduated from his Master’s degree in Physical Therapy specializing Orthopedics in 2007. Since graduating from his bachelor program of PT (1998) he worked at various multi-specialty hospitals and as a lecturer in many teaching institutes in India and Malaysia. He migrated to USA in 2012, since then he started working in Skilled Nursing Facilities. In 2018 he changed his career to an out-patient physical therapy at Ingham County Medical Care Facility. In the same year, he became a Certified Manual Physical Therapist and recognized as an Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS). He had completed his certification in Orthopedic Manipulative Therapy (COMT) by NAIOMT in 2020. He also became a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy (FAAOMPT) in 2021. Currently, he is pursuing his dream of being a Doctor of Science in Physical Therapy (DScPT) with Andrews University, Michigan. His areas of interest are spine, shoulder girdle and vestibular rehabilitation. Other than academics, he likes swimming and reading Tamil Literatures.